
Project Next Level (PNL) is a program that aims to empower young people in Nigeria by providing them with basic viable skills in ICT and the creative arts, helping them to discover, develop, and channel their potential to their proper ends. The program targets at least 1200 students annually and lasts for six months. It is the brainchild of the Creative Skills & Hobbies Foundation (CSHF), a non-profit and non-governmental organization established to carry out, maintain or aid social, educational, charitable, religious, or other activities serving the common welfare.

The issue of graduate unemployment and underemployment, with their attendant consequences, such as increased crime rates, unfulfilled dreams, suicide, and impaired financial positions, are still posing a great challenge to many developing countries, including Nigeria. PNL is designed to tackle this issue by providing young people with skills that will make them self-sufficient and enable them to contribute positively to society.

The foundation has its take-off office in Nigeria and is waiting to formalize its registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Despite this, it has been able to touch some lives for good through its projects/activities carried out so far. Anyone interested in the program can become a member, partner, stakeholder, part-taker, or trustee.

The proposed project is an idea whose time has come. It was actually born out of the personal life experiences of the founder and the need to meet the yearnings, the needs, the agitations, and the aspirations of the people. It has been in existence, even long before it was actually born, taking form in the notebooks, sketchpads, and memories of friends, students, and mentors, who along with the founder, have labored to keep the vision alive to date.

The project is a call to society to realize that it has done little or nothing in creating an enabling environment for youth development, or a moral society. Rather than sit back and watch everybody blaming her for not using her various institutions for capacity building for the youth or to breed up responsible citizens, society needs to take responsibility for the issue of graduate unemployment and underemployment.

PNL is a noble initiative that aims to help young people develop skills that will enable them to contribute to society positively. The program has the potential to transform the lives of many young people in Nigeria and create a ripple effect that will lead to the development of the country. The foundation seeks the support and sponsorship of well-meaning individuals and organizations to make this dream a reality.